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I am so happy to have you at school, thank you for trusting Canines & Co. to train your dog. Our main goal, is for your dog to be balanced and healthy. 

We will give you the skills to maintain that for your dog’s lifetime.


We will be focusing on toy play skills, obedience, commands, health care, leash walking recall, social skills and utilizing your specific dog (breed, age, physical and mentally needs) among many other skills.


We don’t guarantee results, the results depend on you following through with homework, rules and boundaries at home. If this is done, the best results possible will be observed in a very short amount of time.


Some dogs generalize behavior quickly and easily, some have varying training trajectories and timelines depending on age, history, breed, and how sensitive they respond to different handlers. 

Please ask lots of questions, we appreciate questions.

You can contact us via email or text no problem!

Please read through and keep the following pages they are very important!

School Instructions


    •  Please pay your booking fees before arrival if you haven't already

  • Location:

    • Training facility is located at 1348 Wilson Ave Kelowna

  • Drop Off:

    • Between 800-930 am 

    • Training facility is in the back yard, please text 250-328-5616 when you arrive and we will meet you at the front and bring your dog in. 

    • Your dog must pee and poop at home before being dropped off 

    • Dogs are absolutely not permitted to pee/mark on premises on the way in or out


  • Pick Up:

    • Between 330-430pm

    • Please text us 250-328-5616 when you arrive and we will bring your dog to the front


  • Parking:

    • Its preferred you park in the driveway

    • If there is no room, please park on Wilson Ave.

  • Pack: 

    • Collar- flat collar (not tightening) with city registration and name 

    • No Apple tags

    •  Its preferred the tags and info are attached to the collar vs hanging metal tags

    • Metal water dish for your dog to keep in their crate

    • Food

      • Please pack food and treats for training

      • Do not feed your dog breakfast or exercise them the day of training and mostly rest the day before (depending on energy level). 

    • Social & Exercise Training:

      • It’s important your dog isn’t active on a full stomach to prevent bloat, please feed your dog at Before 7 am or pack their food with them


1:1 Lessons

  • We can meet you at our facility or your house if you live locally 

  • The cost is $139 per lesson

  • Fridays, evenings and weekends are available, we will be in touch and work out a time to meet

  • The amount of 1:1 lessons needed depends on a few variables. Some owners only need one lesson, some could benefit from lessons every two weeks.


Payments and Bookings

  • If you need to cancel a booking, please request to do so on the booking site and you will receive credit/refund 

  • Ask us if you’d like to book Social Training days as well as training days

  • After the initial 2 months of training, you can book in whatever frequency you want to for Training/ Exercise/ Social Days

  • Whatever grouping you book in, you pay, for example if you book 2 months at a time that is what is due at the first booking, or if you book one week at a time that is what will be due

  • We take most stats off in the spring and summer but stay open for most winter stats

  • We occasionally need to change a booking but we will give you lots of notice

  • You will receive email reminders about your bookings with details such as what to bring


These commands will be taught and used by us at Day Training and followed up by you at home. We will show you over video and in person how to use these commands.


  • “YES”

    • This command is given to communicate to the dog that they have done the correct behavior and the activity is over

    • For puppies this is used consistently right before the treat is given while teaching new command/tricks etc

    • Once your dog is mature, you can use “yes” without a treat

    • “Yes” is communicate that your dog is offering or accomplishing the requested or desired behavior and you can reward with treats, praise, toy 

    • For the rest of your dogs life, when they hear “yes” they should feel good, accomplished because they’ve been communicated with clearly and have been given feedback while being raised

  • “GOOD”

    • This is an encouragement command or continuation command

    • This is to communicate to the dog they are doing good, and keep doing what they are doing, it is not a release command

    • For example “good stay” means keep staying you’re doing good

  • “GET IT”

    • This can be for finding a treat retrieving a toy etc

  • “OUT”

    • This is a command to drop whatever is in their mouth out

    • This is a fun and consistent command not a negative command

    • We will teach you how to accomplish this for the safety and fun

  • “IN”

    • Formal recall/100% recall 

    • Your dog should recall fast right to your body 

    • You can use a secondary command after the they come to you such as “with me”, “stay” or informal commands like wait, go left etc

    • Used with leash and food until perfect

    • Used as a recall game for training

    • Only used by individuals who are involved in training and consistent so they don’t undo the command before its imprinted and perfect

  • “COME” 

    • Informal recall

    • Used casually in the house, by people that aren’t doing training as formally

    • Can still be trained and rewarded but isn’t your 100% command

  • “SIT”

  • “DOWN”

  • “STAY”

    • This is used for down and sit 

    • Use in with our calm stay technique that we will show you

    • Hips are strait in the down and sit stay


    • Used for tether, in your place/bed command

    • Hips don’t need to be strait

    • Dogs can fall asleep, and change positions but can’t leave the area

  • “LEAVE IT”

    • To stop doing what they are doing to such as picking something up, going toward a dog on leash etc


    • Used to stop barking in crate, at fence etc


    • A release from the command you gave previously: “stay”, “down”, “lay there” etc

    • The dog should look to you for the next instruction or praise, not release and run away

    • Your dogs name should not be a release command but it can be used to get their attention 

  • “WITH ME”

    • On your left side in heel, head is up, not sniffing, they should stay in the “with me” command until told otherwise 

    • The dog is checking in with you

    • When your dog is young this taught by a working walk 

    • Once your dog is older there is less managing in heel and the dog understands and enjoys heel

    • This is different than a loose leash walk which is a relaxed walk, the dog has the length of the leash to explore, sniff, they just can’t pull on the leash

  • “RELAX”

    • Command for relax on the leash to switch between “with me” walk and a loose leash walk

    • Not used very often, usually the dog knows if they have room on the leash it’s a relaxed walk, if it’s a heel walk they are told “with me”

*** you will hear other informal, trick, agility, encouragement commands such as “around, fast, weave, super” etc when we are working with your dog. You can use informal commands but just be careful they are used to helpful not just drowning into the other formal commands that are so important.***

Balanced & Healthy Dog Checklist

Balanced & Healthy Dog Checklist


Please keep this checklist and mark off as you accomplish these. Don’t stop until they are ALL accomplished! If you do not follow these valuable guidelines, you may find starting at 1.5 years old your dog will display unbalanced behavior such as aggressive, nervous and or neurotic behavior. We do not train dogs who display this behavior


☐ Working Relationship:

• Knows at least 20+ commands

• Learning new things with your dog and have new goals every year/month

• On a pie chart of the time spent with your dog would it be 60-75% toy play, training walks, tricks and work and the remaining 25% cuddles, relaxing together, relaxed walks etc.


☐ Sleep, settle and boundaries in the house:

• Comfortable in crate goes in (willingly and on own or on command) while you are out of house until the dog can be 100% trusted 

• Takes naps in the crate while you are home with no vocalizing

• Comfortable tethered inside, outside, various places (while supervised)

• Sleeps 70% day uninterrupted in their own area without getting up to follow you around

• Sleeps and settles on floor, dog bed etc not dependent on fluffy beds and crates to settle

• Does not go on any furniture or beds anytime (even when invited or only for a few min) until mature and completely balanced


☐ Doesn’t jump or be overexcited when let out of the crate, when someone comes home, when greeting you or people on leash


☐ Eats all meals when offered, isn’t picky about meals or treats at home or in public


☐ Switches from food to toys during training sessions


☐ Plays how offered in any setting (outside, on a hike, at a park etc): retrieves, tugs, chases, outs, returns one toy, switches one toy for the other


☐ Doesn’t follow you around the house or wake up from sleep when relaxed around the house when you move around


☐ Isn’t destructive, chewing household items, leashes, digging in yard, barking at the window 


☐ Does side position


☐ Does all obedience and at home and new places under distraction


☐ Calm in car – if not, needs to be limited (crate, harness etc.) until calm


☐ Not demanding attention or barking at you and not invading your personal space unless invited 


☐ Walks are limited until play and working for meals comes along


☐ Your friends and family are on board with rules and boundaries


☐ Health:

• Nails: Weekly can’t hear on the floor

• Ears: Checked monthly or as needed when swimming etc, more often for dropped ear dogs

• Weight: can see last rib when standing, feel other ribs, can see definition of waste when looking at dog from above

• Teeth: brushed daily if on kibble, every 4 months or so for raw fed dogs that have bones, no plaque should be present





Email (Preferred):

Text: 250-328-5616

Location: Central Kelowna by Appointment Only






Please note:

We strive to reply to all inquiries and accommodate your needs, but its also important we prioritize our existing clients.

We will do our best to get back to you but sometimes this isn't always possible.

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