Pet stores in North America don't focus on functional use, safe or practical products best for working with your dog and keeping them healthy. In addition there is a lot of mixed information out there that is very confusing to pet owners. I have compiled a practical list and education summary to give you quality products, resources and education below.
- Instruction and Theory Video​
- Dremels​​
If feeding raw:
​​Give safe recreational/consumable raw bones that are safe for your dog ​(depending on age, experience, size and breed)
Teach calm for brushing with manual and electric toothbrush with dog toothpaste
Check Teeth Regularly, brush as needed
If you feeding ​dry processed kibble:
Brush daily with​ manual or electric toothbrush
Your dog will likely need scaling and professional cleaning intervention but the goal is prevent buildup and the need for vet cleaning with general anesthesia
Dental chews and supplements in the water can slow build up​
Ideal Weight:
We highly suggest a species appropriate, non processed raw diet for your ​dog
It's very difficult to find a trustworthy company with balanced, vet approved and complete raw food
We feed Perfectly Raw(who have their own vet on staff) to our own dogs from (delivery to Kelowna monthly)
Some vets will assist you in recommending raw food companies or guide you in what to feed and make on your own for your dogs needs
Carnivoria is another brand I suggest but is very costly for medium to large breed dogs
​Crudo is another brand that I suggest
Canines & Co Instructional Videos​:
​Recommended Tools for you and your dog:
2 toy play ​​
Grip leashes
- ​Long lines​
Dog ID without tag (allows for city id number​ to be added)
Local Groomer